Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Actually, the West Wing episode you're referring to dealt with the Vice Presidential candidate. He died 2/3 of the way through Election Day.

I was talking about the last episode, where the new-sworn-in-President (Jimmy Smits) planned to appoint his VP, instead of doing that during the transitional-period. But you knew what I was talking about.

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Could Biden really become the candidate? The American public didn't vote for him. As a matter of fact, I think that the Democrats made it rather obvious that they did NOT want him to be President. So, how does that make sense??

He would simply because he's the bottom-half of the ticket, and since VPs take over for an incapacitated President, Biden would be the natural replacement.

This reminds me of back in 1968 when Teddy Kennedy was asked by the RFK campaign to take over after that assassination. He turned it down, but I'm just highlighting that Biden would be the assumptive replacement.