
1.) That's a given. They'll get Sabathia, unless he's hell bent on going to the West Coast, because they'll unload the warchest. Their offer will be significantly higher than any other teams.

2.) I don't think Pettitte would be welcome back unless the Yankees fail to pick up one of the available FA pitchers. Mussina would be welcome back, but I have a feeling he's going to retire.

3.) They're going to go after Teixiera. He has said in the past he wants to be closer to his home on the East Coast (he's from the Baltimore area) and he's a Boras client. He's the best first baseman available. They've gone too long with patchwork and underproduction at that position. Teixiera may not be the same tier as Pujols but he's another player that, when they become available, you have to snap up.

As far as the outfield goes, don't be surprised if they go after Pat Burrell. I've heard his name whispered a lot. Also, if the Yankees don't pick up Rocco Baldelli, I'd be floored. He's a great talent, they have solved his metabolism issue, and if he can stay healthy, is a great investment at 27 years old. But he's still a huge injury risk.

The key is that an outfield with at least Damon in left and Nady in right is at least serviceable, especially with a slick fielding Melky (the kid can bounce back) or Gardner (maybe a better choice because of his baserunning and offensive versatility). It's offensively productive, and not a total defensive liability. Personally, I'd expect them to not change much in the outfield unless, of course, they sign Manny Ramirez, which they should but I don't know if they will. If that happens, hell is going to break lose. They'll have to deal either Matsui or Damon to make room (probably Matsui but more likely Damon because of his greater trade value).

The economy isn't going to hurt the Yankees, they have the new stadium, huge ad deals, and the TV network. They're going to roll it on at least two big free agents this offseason - two of Sabathia, Teixiera, and Ramirez - and then make smaller moves elsewhere. The key is that Ramirez would be a luxury, which is why he's the least likely move. We desperately need a workhorse pitcher to complement Wang - Sabathia fits the bill. We desperately need a first baseman who can hit and field consistently - Teixiera fits the bill.

However, you sign Manny, you solve those dreaded RiSP issues of last year, and you also guarantee A-Rod won't have to be clutch (was he ever?) and will see some meatballs if they have Ramirez hitting in front of him in the order.