Originally Posted By: olivant
But I wonder, since I'm Italian, what her reaction to my ethnicity would be if I ran for President.

The bottom line is, we're about to vote in a black president and a Catholic vice-president. That's a GIANT step (I know, JFK was Catholic, but still).

If that's possible, why not an Italian president or a Jewish president or a Latino president, or, gasp, even a president of Middle Eastern descent?

This country is no longer in the control of the WASP descendants of the slave traders who made life miserable for most of our forefathers. It's a great time to be an American.

Oh, Olivant, in direct response to your question: Fuck that old bat. Who gives a shit what her opinion of Italians is? I know I don't, and I'm as proud of my Italian background as one can be. grin

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