No, I don't have Lebo's book, or any other for that matter. I've heard of it, but haven't picked it up yet. Most of my info is based on conversations I've had with people who worked on the production of the films. My dream is to meet FFC one day & really give him a good grilling. I'll get all of the info on the missing footage, & all of his views. But, so far, I've only gotten as close as the production people, some of the extras, Peter Bart from Paramount at that time, Al Martino, & Alex Rocco (who played Moe Green). Alex Rocco & Al Martino VERY informative.
Anyway, I'll get Lebo's book one of these days. I'm also praying for the release of 1 & 2 in chronolgical order (The Complete Epic, The Godfather Saga, et al) to be released on DVD. I guess it's sacreligious to admit that on this website, & I'm sure I'll be ripped apart for it, but I can tell you that most of the people that I've met who worked on the film prefer it that way. The movie flows better &, with all of the extra scenes added back in (Genco dying in the hospital,etc.), it really ties everything together.