Was anyone else really impressed with Banksy's latest stunt/artwork/whatever you'd like to call it?

Let me start by saying I'm not a big art fan, I'm a simple guy and I guess that's why I love Banksy's stuff. It usually requires little thought to work out its meaning but often conveys a stong meaning in a really creative (but simple) way. I guess the fact that he's tagged with phrases such as vandal and that he is still unknown to the public adds to the mistique. I love that stuff.

I don't even know how well known Banksy is in the US, I presume he's made a little mark, at least in NY anyway, with his latest stunt. Unfortunately I don't have a link as I saw it on the news before work this morning, but I do urge you to Google him if he's new to you.

So die all who betray Giuliano