Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

As far as this 30 minute primetime ad, I just am reading about that as well. Do we know exactly what that half hour will consist of? I mean, I'm sure it'll be to promote his campaign, but what will they cover in a half hour?


Probably be 30 minutes highlighting, to use propaganda language, "the issues that are facing us at this most critical time in our history," the campaign would probably give their talking points in solving the following domestic and foreign policy problems like:

(1) Trying to stabilize and rebound in our current stalled economy, i.e. with that "tax cut for 95% of the Working Class" (which is pure rhetoric, but accuracy/reality are no place in propaganda, but only to highlight the narrative that a campaign wants to paint.)
(2) Stop American jobs from outsourcing overseas
(3) 30-40+ million Americans without healthcare
(4) The resurgent Taliban in Afghanistan/Pakistan.
(5) The emergence of a more powerful, and possibly nuclear, Iran
(6) Iraq Iraq Iraq, and us getting the fuck out of there in 2010.
(7) Russia too perhaps?

Now all this I assume won't be presented as simply a speech. IF anything, I assume it will be done in a "conversationalist" fashion, with Obama talking to the viewers out there in Prime Time America, much like that 2 minute ad of his on the economy done some time ago.

Also assume that the campaign will try to make the case that Obama represents an "America United for Change," and have people from various backgrounds across the country, blue and red states, to give testimony of their support for the candidate. From Iraq/Afghanistan Veterans to unemployed blue collar Workers to gun-owning Sportsmen to financially struggling male Southerners/Westerners to Women (At-Home Suburban Moms) to minorities (black, Latino, Asian, White, etc.) to religious piety people (Evangelicals? Catholics? Jews?), Rural Farmers and Urban Dwellers, disgruntled Republicans/Conservatives (so-called "Obamacons") and so forth.

Don't expect to see people that would/may offend other interests, like Muslim-Americans (may taint Obama further as a "foreign terrorist spy") to Gays (don't wanna offend Virgina, North Carolina, Indiana, etc.) and so on.

I would also expect for the campaign to highlight in personalizing the candidate in contrast with his opponent: Young, Dynamic, Charismatic, Sexy* and most of all NEW. This will be done by several ways, but assuredly they'll deploy one of the oldest prop image cliches in politics....the family.

Worked for Kennedy, didn't it? Plus notice how JFK had several photo-ops of playing football, in contrast with his predecessor Eisenhower's legendary love for golf. And make a point that Obama has been shown a few times playing BASKETBALL**, which like football, is synomonous with energy and stamina and durability.

I might be right or wrong, but don't be shocked if alot of that stuff I've just mentioned do appear in that 30 minute commercial.

Perhaps the Obama campaign is hoping that this would be the club that would smash the skull of the McCain campaign once and for all, blood and brains all over the wall.

*=Don't look at me. Betty White on Craig Ferguson's late night program said she wanted to jump him and give him some "experience." Yuck!
**=About time we had a President who played an American-invented sport.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 10/09/08 09:42 PM.