Originally Posted By: Mignon
If you were running for any office SB, would you except a donation from a known terrorist?

I hate the guy, but Michael Moore years back did a movie called THE BIG ONE, where through phoney organizations existing only on paper, he donated money to several Presidential campaigns in 1996.

For example, "Pro-Choicers for Pat Buchanan" (when he ran for the GOP nomination that year), he gave money, just to prove that despite ideological differences or where it came from, all those campaigns would eat it up.

And besides, boxing promoter Don King (who's killed certifiable at least 3 people) donated money to Bush in 2004. Where were you Mig?

Originally Posted By: Mignon

He had big time bad judgement when he went into that mans house for that meet and greet.

JFK got the endorsements of several Segregationist Governors deep in the South during the 1960 Presidential primaries/Election.

My point? Politics