Look, I can understand people being upset about the Senator's association with Reverend Wright. He was his pastor. The Obama Family christened their children in his church. Why they didn't leave the church is a personal decision. Perhaps they felt that our Constitution protected their pastor's right to say what he wants about the imperfections of this country. That's what it's there for.

As for his association with Ayers, c'mon, Mig, you can't be that easily influenced. Senator Obama was EIGHT years old when Ayers was committing his crimes. They served on a non-profit board together, they live in the same neighborhood and their children go to the same school. I serve on the board of the Music Parent's Association at my daughter's school. I haven't done a background check on the other members or asked them what they were up to 40 years ago. If I decided to run for local office and one of them offered to host a "Meet the Candidate" night at their home, would I hesitate? NO, and neither should have Obama. It's patently absurd to say that this association means that Senator Obama "pals around with terrorists". It's demeaning to him and to the American public.

As for your remark about Ronnie not needing to worry about his neighbors because he's not running for President, do you realize how silly that sounds?? You have to worry about who lives next to you before you can think about running for President?? WHAT??????

As for calling Senator Obama a messiah, you can thank the McCain campaign for that. They're the ones that "christened" him that, not me.

President Emeritus of the Neal Pulcawer Fan Club