Originally Posted By: Mignon

Anyone who can sit in a church pew for 20 some years and listen to such hate coming out of his preachers mouth and not doing nothing about it until recently.

So the McCain campaign's answer for overtaking Obama's lead is to dig up old attacks that Hillary tried and failed miserably at? Attacks McCain himself previously condemned in such high-minded terms?

This would make McCain's Reverend Hagee and the Palin's Kenyan witch hunter now fair game. Or when didn't Palin sat -- and NOT get up and leave -- during a sermon that declared terrorist attacks on Israeli citizens to be God visiting judgment upon the Jews? She sat through a blatantly anti-semetic sermon. What does that say about her character?

Originally Posted By: Mignon

Anyone who has ties to an American terrorist Bill Ayers. That goes against Obama's judgement and character.

Obama was 8 when Ayers was a radical (now a former anti-war extremist who long ago changed his ways) and didn't know him. OTOH McCain was 58 when he hung around with good buddy and major rip-off artist Charles Keating.

Who cares about the economy? I certainly don't. Two wars? Meh. What I really want to hear more about is Obama's distant associations. That's going to make the difference in my life how he suddenly does a Vulcan mind meld and appropriates the past lives and thoughts of everyone he comes in contact with.

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"