It was liberal democrats that caused the economic crisis?? Really?? When, as olivant pointed out, the Republicans have had control for years? Really??

Apple, you must be so ridiculously blinded by partisanship, racial hatred, I don't know what, that I can't imagine why you would continue to post the things that you do. With electric and heat shut-off in NY up 17% because people can't afford to pay their bills, with the housing market in shambles, with the NYSE in shambles, with no credit available to people who need it, with children having to transfer out of private colleges because the credit crunch has dried up the student loan market, with a federal deficit of unfathomable proportions, while we conduct a war based on lies which cost trillions of dollars, and, more importantly, thousands of lives, how can you possibly still try to point the finger of blame on anyone else besides the party that has had the reins of power for YEARS. The Republicans had the majority and the White House and could have kept things under control, no matter what they felt "the lib dems" supported.

It's utter nonsense.

President Emeritus of the Neal Pulcawer Fan Club