Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
"Keating Economics" #2 Search on Google

Obama apparently had today's Charles Keating attack in the can, ready to deploy against an attempt to revive Bill Ayers, and it seems to be working.

A glance at Google Trends finds "keating economics" the second-most-popular search term right now. Numbers 8, 11, 12, and 21 are terms like "keating five" and "charles keating."

Bill Ayers shows up at 36, just after "mccain keating."

The first term is Neel Kashkari, newly tapped to head the bailout. Voter registration terms also rank high.


The "Keating Economics" videos are among the most viewed for the day on YouTube also. McCain might regret his new game plan. Unlike 2004 when Kerry fought back too late, Obama isn't taking any shit.