Not sure why either team would deal those pitchers. You'd have to start with a package that begins with Cano, and ends with Hughes and probably two prospects for either Webb or Harden at this point.

I'd say a better deal would be, honestly, looking for a big deal that brings back Ichiro and Bedard. Primarily, it fixes our leadoff and center field issues, and gives us an ace. Seattle needs a salary dump. The problem is that Ichiro is on the wrong side of 34 and is locked in until 2012, which could mean trouble if his famous legs give out on him. Similarly, Bedard is out after his surgery until at least halfway through 2009, and he's an FA at the end of the season.

These factors could obviously influence who we send back, and since Seattle wants a salary dump, I'd say we could theoretically fleece them. I like this deal if it could be contingent on putting some extra years on the Bedard deal. Even if he is injured, he's still got electric stuff.

But to deal Cano now would be to sell low, and I think that's a mistake. Melky probably will be a bench player next year at best; the Yankees are pretty high on Brett Gardner as well so that's an interesting scenario. But I don't think Melky has much trade value.

I think, even though Cashman has alluded to possibly dealing Cano, that if the Yanks make a *big* trade this offseason, there are a few things that have to happen first. The first being that Sabathia would sign somewhere else. The second being they lose out on the Lowe and Burnett sweepstakes. The third being they secure neither Teixiera nor Manny.

In that case, then yes, I'd definitely expect to see Cano moved. The problem is the best available 2nd baseman right now on the FA list is Orlando Hudson. Ugh.

So yes, a trade for pitching or outfield help is going to create a hole in the infield, but I'd honestly expect Cano in pinstripes next year. As long as they can get 2 of Sabathia, Lowe, Burnett, or Sheets , and 1 of Teixiera or Manny, I'll be pretty happy. Those free agent splashes will help enough so that we can get a little more freedom in the lineup.

I won't like though. If I were the Yankees, Manny is my #1 target this offseason, bar none. Not only has he basically said he wants to play for the Yankees, but he's a New York guy and we know he crushes the fuck out of the ball no matter what. Use him to protect A-Rod. It instantly boosts our RiSP.

Similarly, Teixiera, though I have gone back and forth on this, is another necessity. Maybe he's not a premier player like Pujols, but he's a stellar defensive first baseman who can get you the big hit. He's also a character guy. Watch his swing - it's got a touch of Gehrig in there (although not the power). He solidifies our corner infield position that has been awry since Mattingly retired.