And now for tonight's partisan sleaze attack...

McCain's Terrorist Ties

How soon we forget that only a few short years ago John McCain was cozying up to Joe DioGuardi, an apologist for the radical Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).'s Justin Raimondo covered this back in 2000, during McCain's last presidential bid.

The picture at the right shows McCain with DioGuardi in New York on Feb. 11, 2000, when McCain was in town attending fundraising events. Raimondo called on the McCain campaign to "immediately release the figures, and give us some 'straight talk' about the KLA-McCain connection: how much did they get -- and in return for what?" That question remains unanswered.

Back in March of this year, Doug Bandow also addressed this issue, reminding us that DioGuardi once said of McCain, "He did everything that we asked of him, including arming the KLA." No big deal, right? After all, we were helping them fight off those "evil" Serbs.

But even our own government considered members of the KLA as terrorists. The Washington Times reported that as recently as 1998, "State Department officials labeled the KLA a terrorist organization, saying it bankrolled its operations with proceeds from the heroin trade and from loans from known terrorists like bin Laden." Yes, the same bin Laden who planned the 9/11 attacks and is still at large.

Isn't it odd that, on the threshold of the "most important election of our lifetime," none of this is being brought to our attention? McCain supporters should thank their willing accomplices in the "liberal" mainstream press.