Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
Originally Posted By: Just Lou
I looked at it like a football game. Biden won the game, but Palin covered the spread.

EXCELLENT analogy Lou! I like it! And perhaps Biden edged her out due to his scoring on a bad call by the officials. lol


"After further review the call on the field stands. McCain/Palin will be charged with their first timeout."

Palin may lack depth on the issues, but she is likeable and has a folksy appeal that resonates with many Americans." She and her family are unique among the candidates. I think Biden was well advised not to attack her or correct her. She was evasive on some questions, falling back on the energy issue often, but once the candidates get rolling, many forget what the question was.

I missed a half hour in the middle of the debate, but once again Biden made two references to Scranton. There is a flurry of campaign activity in northeastern PA. Yesterday, polls indicated that Obama has opened his largest lead yet.

The economy is determining the election.