Originally Posted By: goombah
Originally Posted By: Freddie C.
Originally Posted By: goombah

Why so much hatred towards a seemingly nice lady? You can disagree with her stances on the issues all you want, but to so harshly criticize her as a mother is out of line in my opinion. It has nothing to do with this election and is very unfair.

It has nothing to do with hatred and plenty to do with the election. It has nothing to do with what is perceived to be "fair." Palin opened her entire past, including her family, to the public eye when she accepted the nomination. If she didn't want the attention, all she had to do was tell McCain "no thank you." This is not a part-time position in which she is seeking. How it has to do with the election is quite simple. It shows the character of the candidate. It also shows her judgment. I find both to be severely flawed.

I know two mothers of kids with Downs Syndrome. They are constantly going to doctors appointments or having to stay home with their Downs kids, who have a much tougher time staying healthy. Palin's 17 year old and infant need their mother right now, plain and simple. In particular, the infant needs its mom.

Palin made a conscious decision to place more emphasis on her own career and ambitions than the needs of two of her children. Is she the first parent to do so? Absolutely not. But the stakes are much higher here - our country. We are fighting two wars and are in economic trouble. And the United States cannot afford a Vice President zoning out at a national security meeting because her mind is distracted about children. The Vice Presidency is not a position where the country can afford splitting time between work and home life.

Those of you who consider yourselves Conservatives might want to ask Dr. Laura Schlessinger her opinion of Palin's juggling children and career.

"Generosity. That was my first mistake."
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