Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: Mignon
All I got to say is I'm glad that the Col. retired and I feel so sorry for our military if Obama gets elected.

Yeah, look how well they've done under Bush.

It really doesn't matter if you have had military service or not. Carter was an Annapolis grad and a long time officer in the Navy, but from a military standpoint he was awful. Neither Reagan nor Clinton served but both were strategic thinkers who did well militarily. Yes I know Reagan did some training films in WWII but that doesnt count.

Or shit guys, look at LINCOLN.

His grand miltary experience was basically a state militia, or volunteered-locals , to solve/deal with an indian problem at the time, and unless I'm mistaken, all that was rather an uneventful tour of duty.

Then he was forced to task in trying to keep a union intact as the Commander-In-Chief.