Originally Posted By: goombah
Here is why I have no respect whatsoever for Palin as a person, let alone her political stances and her ignorance of so many important aspects regarding the office she is seeking. Palin is an abomination as a parent. I agree that it is not Palin’s fault that her 17 year old kid is pregnant. Regardless, a teenage daughter needs full support to raise a baby. My wife brought up a great point last night about when she had our first child at age 34. My wife called and needed her own mother consistently with many questions about the baby. How in the world is Palin’s 17 year old supposed to get support from the VP of the United State? Worst of all, the baby is the one who ultimately impacted by poor decisions of a teenage mother.

My biggest criticism of Palin as a mother is the neglect of her infant child. How can Palin sleep at night with a Downs Syndrome infant, who needs the attention, affection, and love of both parents far more than a healthy child? I respect Palin's attempt to juggle family and career. But she is running for the world’s 2nd most powerful position, which demands far more than 99% of the jobs we hold. What if the baby needs its mom and Palin is across the world in a meeting or is being briefed about a possible terrorist attack? This is not like you or I getting a call from school that our child is sick and we leave work. It’s quite obvious that Palin's career ambitions are number one and the needs of her family are a distant second. I find that despicable.

Here’s another scenario that scares the hell out of me: six months into the presidency, John McCain suffers a stroke or heart attack and cannot make decisions for the country. Palin assumes the role as Commander-in-Chief and needs to meet with Iraqi leaders, or to discuss a military response in Pakistan or Iran, etc. Or worse yet, McCain is incapacitated for 3 months and Palin has to nominate a Supreme Court Justice. Given the ignorance she displayed with Katie Couric in regarding Supreme Court decisions, our country cannot afford for Palin to be learning on the job. How these hypothetical (yet very possible) examples do not instill complete fear into all voters is incomprehensible to me.

Why so much hatred towards a seemingly nice lady? You can disagree with her stances on the issues all you want, but to so harshly criticize her as a mother is out of line in my opinion. It has nothing to do with this election and is very unfair.

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