Originally Posted By: Don Cardi

No where did I ever say that "terrorism" is defined as those from the Arab world who wear shrouds. Those are your words, not mine. rolleyes

Oh sorry, I thought we were talking about the same region of the world, or am I mistaken? I don't think we've gotten into anything about current Asian or European or Latin American terrorism so far today...

Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
And yes, I do agree with you that the terms terrorist and terrorism are used very loosely these days. But you and I both know what we're talking about here without having to get into definitions and qualifications.

Do you?

Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
Besides, as you being someone who is smart enough to know of all the different supreme court cases in the history of our country, then I think that you're defintitely smart enough to know what the qualifications for a terrorist is. wink

Errrr, dude, I only named like 5 cases, and trust me...in case you don't know it...there were a lot more than that decided by the SC. I feel like that Hicks stand-up act where I'm carrying a book into a bar, and some redneck locals come up and say "Boys, looks like we got ourselves a reader here!"

And you dodged my question, as I expected. Why?

Because I myself don't know what exactly is the difference between "terrorists" and "freedom fighters", except that one is against us, and the other is on our side.

There was an awesome line from the otherwise mediocre 007 movie DIE ANOTHER DAY:

CUBAN""Who you call terrorist may be a freedom fighter to others."
BOND:"Zao doesn't care about other people's freedom."