Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
What bothers me in this thread is that all of a sudden people are nitpicking when it comes to Governor Palin. All of a sudden there seems to be an influx of animal rights advocates popping up all over the place. rolleyes It's a hypocrisy. Let's be honest here, the only reason that people are pointing something like this out is because they are trying to attack Palin. It's not because they are really so appalled at the idea that wolves are being shot! If one is so offended by the shooting of wolves, then one should also be very offended by the mistreatment of cows too.

But cows don't look like our pet dogs at home, do they?

It's like that cafe conversation in PULP FICTION, where John Travolta goes at Samuel L. Jackson for thinking dogs are cleaner animals than pigs because they are "charming"...despite the fact that many of them each their own poop.

As for the Palin thing, the hunting doesn't bother me. Dubya was a hunter, as was Dick "Don't Hunt with Me" Cheney:D, and I've never criticized them for that. I mean why not?

But shooting from a helicopter? That's fucking "REDNECK" in a bad way...and that's coming from a genuine redneck.