Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
There are hunters who enjoy employing their skills and who want to eat what they kill. I have no problem with hunters. As a matter of fact, while lots of people will shed tears over "Bambi" being shot, I see what overpopulation has done when I see mangled cars and equally mangled deer carcasses on an almost weekly basis on my drive to work. There's a sportsmanship to hunting that I can understand. Plus, I'm a carnivore. It would be rather hypocritical to condemn someone for shooting a deer and eating venison while I'm chowing down on a big old steak.

However, shooting animals from the air? That seems horrible and extremely unsportsmanlike.

My hubby loves to hunt no only for the kill itself (if he has good enough aim) but he likes being out in the weather elements rain or snow on the hunt. Gun season is coming up in November. I better make room in the freezer(just in case)

SB, I don't like the idea from shooting from the air though.

Dylan Matthew Moran born 10/30/12