Originally Posted By: Saladbar

Funny how we get the rolling eyes for a "heartbeat" away. It *is* a heartbeat away. McCain is a 72 year old man diagnosed with malignant melanoma requiring 4 surgeries (one surgery taking 5 hours to remove lymphnodes, so this isn't just surface skin removal), and a slough of other ailments including dizziness that was diagnosed as vertigo; blood in the urine, which was diagnosed as caused by an enlarge prostate and bladder/kidney stones; high cholesterol, degenerative arthritis; evidence of polyps and diverticulosis in th colon, and those are what we know since he won't release medical records.

Andrew Sullivan, a Conservative ideologue, at ATLANTIC Magazine has probed both McCain and Biden to release their medical records, ESPECIALLY McCain.

Originally Posted By: Saladbar
Palin should be seriously considered as more than a heartbeat and more scrutinized than any other vp in history. You can point fingers about Obama's lack of experience {3 years as a successful community organizer, over a decade as a Constitutional Law professor, 8 years in the Illinois State Senate (including chairmanship of their Health & Human Services Committee and where he fostered a compromise between law enforcement and the ACLU, something no one else had been able to do. Thus, the first laws in the US to mandate videotaping of police interrogations and the recording of race during stops and arrests to keep an eye on racial profiling became Illinois law. All other states to mandate this come from Obama's effort), and 4 years in the U.S. Senate, where he has sponsored almost a gross of bills}, but he's a very smart man.

Wow, did not know that about that whole ACLU/Cops story. Thanks for letting me know.