Originally Posted By: Freddie C.
Forget about Sarah Palin for a second. She's running for vice president (a "heartbeat" away, I know rolleyes) Can one Obama supporter on here honestly say that he is ready to become president? What has he accomplished? When has he shown that he can be the leader of anything? Please educate me on this.

I don't care if Obama is inexperienced. What did 'experience' get us the last 8 years? The worst President in history. 2 wars. A crumbled economy. Debt that our great grandchildren will still be paying off. The only way I wouldn't vote for Obama is if he showed signs he couldn't handle the job. I've seen nothing in the last year that makes me believe he can't. He's shown better judgment than McCain. Was McCain putting "Country First" when he chose Palin? I don't think so. It was a gamble to get women voters and satisfy the conservative base. If Obama came across as clueless and unqualified as Palin, I would not be voting for him. If you want to vote for McCain and 4 mores years of the same, then that's your right. That's what makes this country so great.