Originally Posted By: Don Cardi

That is NOT what this should be about. We've seen enough of the finger pointing and the he did this and he did that bullshit over the last 8 years between the parties and look at where it's gotten our country!

I want these two candidates to stick to the facts, and debate the issues and not to start in with the "we shouldn't have done this" and "your party shouldn't have done that" bullshit. What's done is done and now the people, the voters, need to hear from BOTH candidates exactly WHAT they respectively plan to do to remedy the problems that we are CURRENTLY facing in this country.

Should be, but that's not American Politics. Two things move the world: Money and Bullshit, and both candidates want to win, and they'll say anything to get elected.

Besides, as for "facts," remember when Mondale at the 1984 DNC said that he admitted that he would raise taxes if elected? Well Reagan promptly beat him in the biggest landslide in American history.