Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Another question for you guys to ponder. It is said that many Republicans want McCain to drop Palin. Now, whether he will or not, I don't know. Say he did drop her...first of all, would that be a plus for him? I know much of his base might be pleased, but would the public see it as wishy washy and conclude that it was simply a political move in the first place? confused

Secondly, what if he did drop Palin and went with Romney, who is suppose to be the economic saavy candidate. How and would that change the ballgame in this election, at this point?
Could it be an October surprise?????


McCain will NOT dump Palin. Why?

For two reasons:

(1) It will reflect badly on McCain as someone who had a rather poor choice in the minds of even more people. Remember McGovern with Eagleton? Yeah McGovern never did recover from that, though he didn't have much of a chance in the first place...

(2) The social-conservative GOP base will be very PISSED off, and they'll believe that McCain betrayed them. Thus they'll turn on him in terms of votes and fundraising.

And especially if McCain replaces Palin with Romney, if simply because of the two glaring strikes agianst him: (1) Mormonism and (2) Pro-Choice Governor of Mass.

We must also consider that this would be spun very easily, that Obama/Biden is stability while McCain/Whoever is as chaotic and uncertain as the stock market is right now.