Certainly SC, as I wrote already, I thought the debate overall was a draw.

But one thing I noticed was how on the Economics issue, McCain's lines were the same lines I heard back in 2000 with George W. Bush, and before that in 1996 with Dole, 1992 with Bush Sr....

My point is, what helped Obama with many of those polls was that he articulated all the problems right now facing the middle/working class, and whatever those proposals/pitches actually would work or not is irrelevant; debates in themselves are about appearing to the normal person that you have the answer to a problem.

I think with McCain, some people may have felt that he was out of touch on it by spouting old lines about cutting spending and corporate taxes that helped win for Bush in 2000, but may be seen as non-grata as much in 2008.

(and certainly like Dubya, Obama has a bad tendency at times to "uh" repeatedly, you know?)

EDIT - In retrospect, I also noticed how McCain said that he was completely against ethanol subsidies....some have speculated that his campaign have decided to abandon Iowa (a Bush state in 2004) and its 7 electoral votes to re-direct that staff/funds down to North Carolina and Indiana to try to keep those usual GOP-safe states.

Earlier this week, McCain campaign had closed an office in Iowa, and with a new poll today staying that Iowa is pro-Obama at +8 points...I believe that speculation now.

Yes its only 7 votes with Iowa, but with Virgina's 13, Colorado's 8, New Mexico and Nevada's 5 each...remember that Bush won re-election with only 286 electoral votes...LEts do quick math:


Now what if Obama wins just Colorado/New Mexico/Iowa?


Remember, 270 Electoral votes is needed for election.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 09/27/08 11:16 PM.