Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Freddie C. - I am so happy that you expressed your POV on this election. You do so in an intelligent and thoughtful manner. I welcome a good exchange of ideas.

Yeah, I especially appreciated that of him. A good discussion is always warranted.

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Yes, I am voting for Obama. I actually wish that Senator McCain had won the nomination in 2000. I think that we would be in better shape than we are now. I think that he's probably a good, decent man, but I cannot support his candidacy for several reasons.

I supported McCain in 2000, only to see him lose to an inferior candidate simply because of the massive evangelical turn-out, and that whole "black baby" smear in South Carolina. In a way, at that time he represented to me a hope of accomplishing some vague hopes: The Environment (helped pass bi-partsan legislation on combating Global Warming), Gay Rights (voted against banning same-sex marriage), Campaign Finance Reform (McCain-Feingold), and so forth. Maybe not totally agree with the Democrats of that time in the ideology, but better than with Dubya.

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
I think that he represents a continuation of the current administration, and that I cannot support. I also am concerned about his age. This campaign has aged him noticeably, and I can't imagine what a presidency would do to him. I am also concerned that, given his age, there is a very real chance he could die or become incapacitated in office. Therefore, his choice of VP was crucial, and I think he made a poor one.

With the last four years, save for that anti-torture bill he got passed, McCain has gone deep into the NeoCon territory to get enough of their "streetcred" to win the nomination, a pity because he's above that bullshit.

I think I share my disgruntleties with the President for several reasons, as other BB.Neters do, but my chief reason is that he backed away from essential Conservative values, and NO I don't mean "NeoConservative" values which amount to wanting to spread freedom around the world like butter & herpes, fueled out of emotional evangelism, or pretty much for the 2000s like the naive Liberals were of the 60s/70s. No I mean true Conservative missions like cutting spending and deficit, despite having 6 years of Republican White House & Congress.

So why do I support Obama as an "Obamacon"? Because I have a distant, perhaps naive, hope that a considerable enough Obama victory would force the GOP to re-assemble 4 years from now, away from that bible-humping hysteria as personified in the VP choice, and back to basics. Trust me, I'm asshamed when Clinton, with a GOP Congress, were the last to balance the budget. Why couldn't Bush have done that?

Also, I agreed with Obama on Iraq. To quote another Iraq War-opponent in Pat Buchanan, "why would Saddam be stupid enough to step on Superman's cape?" That conflict served absolutely NOTHING for our strategic military defesive interests, and by default as caused a checkmate in Hussein's Iraq to make for a stronger and more powerful Iran. Nevermind us ignoring that little problem in Afghanistan.

Plus, as a Political Scientist, I would be intrigued as to what would happen if we elected the most liberal President in 40 years, or the impact of it. Would we actually get anything done on universal healthcare or the environment or gay rights or whatever? I must say, I'm intrigued.

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Governor Palin may be a smart and aggressive woman (which I notice she is praised for, while Senator Clinton was vilified for the same traits), but she is not even close to ready to assume the office. I find her unworldly and unknowledgeable, and I think that she and The First Dude (I find that so trashy, btw) should stay in Alaska a few more years and get some experience under her belt before she tries a national campaign. She also believes in everything I loathe (pro-life, member of the NRA, etc.), so even if I didn't believe the above to be true, I still wouldn't vote for her.

Yeah, I despise the Palin pick in that it was done to win back those Social-Conservative votes for McCain, without any attention to assure folks that we would be in safe hands if McCain was to die, i.e. Cheney in 2000. Better yet, why didn't McCain offer it to Kay Hutchinson, the female GOP Senator from Texas who's been around in Washington for what, 14 years or so roughly? She's proven tough, and more than capable in case the worst was to happen.

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
And, btw, if anyone attacks you for expressing your views in such a thoughtful and engaging manner, then they are major jerks.

Agree totally.