Originally Posted By: Freddie C.
Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
For example, you talk of how McCain was better in the foreign policy area....care to give us an example exactly how?

As for Palin, what does it tell you when her own campaign wanted to cancel the VP debate?

-McCain mentioned his experience with countries like Lebanon, Somalia, and Kosovo.
-Obama kept talking about Afghanistan, yet has never even been there.
-McCain said "Obama doesn’t know the difference between a tactic and a strategy". Really, what does Obama know about commanding the strongest military in the world?
-Obama was dead wrong on the surge and still can't admit it.
-McCain made Obama look foolish with his pledge to meet tyrants without preconditions.
-Having known Henry Kissinger for 30 years, McCain obviously knows his positions better than Obama.
-Obama was also proven wrong on the Russia/Georgia conflict.
-McCain was right when he said "I don’t need any on-the-job training. I’m ready to lead now". The same cannot be said for Obama.

Are those examples good enough?

As for the vp debate, it would have simply been rescheduled in the event that the debate last night was pushed back.

First off, thanks for actually willing to debate your side, which I can't even say for DoubleJ or Appleonya of late.

As to your points, let me answer a few of them, in order of what you supplied:

(2) FDR never visited Germany or Japan either. Polk never visited Mexico as well. Yeah what do they know about overseeing military ass-kicking?
(3) What he does know is that he called for more troops to be shipped to Afghanistan before McCain or the White House. Using your logic, they don't know jack shit either. Though the last 8 years, that might actually explain some things...
(4) McCain was also wrong about the WMDs, a quick victory & occupation, and other things. Obama highlighted how UNDISPUTEDLY Iran has grown in prominence and in power after Saddam Hussein's downfall, when in fact that dictator helped kept Iran in-check. So Freddy my boy, you liked how Iran has become more powerful as a result partly by us?

Also, I should note Freddie C., unless you're unwilling to admit you're wrong, but General Petreaus refused to used the word "Victory" to describe Iraq, unlike McCain. If anything, the magic word is "Stability"...which is good. But victory? No. More like patching up Iraq using bribes and having such self-controlled local regions to stop the violence out of self-interest.

Tell me my boy, why is it the White House and McCain supported a timeline for Iraqi withdrawal only after Obama, who's plan was endorsed by the sovereign Iraqi government? The word not permitted is "coincidence."

(5) Obama has backed away from that, and yet McCain still presses how we shouldn't meet with hostile rival leaders...yet that is what Kissinger did secretly with the Chinese government in the 70s, setting up Nixon's visit to China.

So tell me Freddy, do we totally not meet with them or not? Does it matter if its face-to-face between the leaders, or between the Foreign departments?

Hell, what about YOUR President having authorized State Department "talks" on and off with the Iranians already?

(6) Same Kissinger that willingly believed that the North Vietnamese wouldn't invade South Vietnam after signing the Paris Peace Accords? Last I checked, his "detente" went out of style with Reagan. Why is Kissinger popular again anyway? Is his ideas good or bad Freddy C.? Do tell me.

(7) Try reading this interesting article from the American Conservative Magazine, about the so-called "Democratic" Georgia that wants us tied with them hand-in-hand in NATO: http://www.amconmag.com/article/2008/sep/22/00008//

(8) Lead now? Oh yes, like that demand that he won't leave Washington this week until a Bail-Out "fair" agreement was made, possibly missing friday night's debate....then when the talks collapsed (partly due to Congressional Republicans)*,the agreement NOT made, he left for the debate last night.

Yes, looking weak in leading failure, fairly or not, is so Presidential.

I have one more question for you Freddie C.....are you supporting McCain more for him, or more against Obama? Better question, why despite your opinions, the polled people (including a Fox News focus group, video I posted earlier) indicated that Obama won last night? I thought it was a draw in general, McCain refusing to roll over on economics, Obama standing up on foreign policy...though with McCain behind in the electoral polling, that "draw" may be a Obama victory by default.

Anyway, thanks for willing to talk in defending your side. Don't think I'm trying to be a dick with you, but I'm just up for a good spirited but smart discussion on political science and propaganda here.

*=Funny since President Bush and conservative-paper The Wall Street Journal is stressing them to agree to the Democrat/White House-negotiated bailout.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 09/27/08 10:11 PM.