Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
For example, you talk of how McCain was better in the foreign policy area....care to give us an example exactly how?

As for Palin, what does it tell you when her own campaign wanted to cancel the VP debate?

-McCain mentioned his experience with countries like Lebanon, Somalia, and Kosovo.
-Obama kept talking about Afghanistan, yet has never even been there.
-McCain said "Obama doesn’t know the difference between a tactic and a strategy". Really, what does Obama know about commanding the strongest military in the world?
-Obama was dead wrong on the surge and still can't admit it.
-McCain made Obama look foolish with his pledge to meet tyrants without preconditions.
-Having known Henry Kissinger for 30 years, McCain obviously knows his positions better than Obama.
-Obama was also proven wrong on the Russia/Georgia conflict.
-McCain was right when he said "I don’t need any on-the-job training. I’m ready to lead now". The same cannot be said for Obama.

Are those examples good enough?

As for the vp debate, it would have simply been rescheduled in the event that the debate last night was pushed back.

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