Originally Posted By: Freddie C.
In my opinion, McCain won the debate. The economy talk in the beginning was nothing more than the differences between Republican and Democrat ideologies. As for foreign policy, McCain clearly has way more experience than Obama and has shown that he also has better judgment.

Obviously almost everyone on here is an Obama supporter. While I think he seems like a decent enough guy (despite all his radical associations), there is no way anyone can honestly say that he is more ready/qualified to be president than John McCain. I will be voting for McCain, and I am glad that I live in a toss-up state (PA) where my vote will actually matter, unlike other states which have already been decided.

No matter who wins, I am confident that both candidates will make decisions that they think are in the country's best interest, and that's all that really matters.

Also, I find the negative comments towards Sarah Palin very unfair. You people may not agree with her side of the issues which is fine, but to totally dismiss her as being a legitimate politician is wrong.

I realize I am opening myself up to attacks from some very articulate posters, but you have to agree that this thread needs some opposing views.

Opposing views are fine, as long as such folks BACK UP THEIR SHIT.

For example, you talk of how McCain was better in the foreign policy area....care to give us an example exactly how?

As for Palin, what does it tell you when her own campaign wanted to cancel the VP debate?