Originally Posted By: Just Lou
Originally Posted By: Don Smitty
With wall street in the shitter and employment up why isnt Obama up by 10 pts in the polls? If hes not up by 8 to 10 points on Nov 4th hes not going to win.


You need to take off the blinders. McCain is sinking in the National Polls, and the Electoral Map. He was unable to win a debate on foreign policy. Now he must face a VP debate that will disastrous, and a debate on the economy that he is going to lose. Unless there's a "game changer" in the next month, this is election is over.

First off, I don't think the VP debate will matter at all in the polls. A train wreck it will be, an entertaining one at that, but not much difference for either ticket.

Second, DS asks why Obama aint higher, and the answer is that many people are still unsure if Obama has the goods or "the right stuff" to be President. Yet if last night's demographic-numbers are to be believed, Obama has narrowed the gap of the "readyness" question and, according to that one CBS poll, he acted more Presidential compared to McCain.

Those numbers that JustLou posted, are a good sign for Obama and perhaps reenforcement that if last night Obama either won or won by default in a draw.

But its 30+ days still left in the campaign, anything can happen.