Originally Posted By: Double-J
Originally Posted By: klydon1

I agree that the AL East is more talented than the NL West, but differences in talent among divisions and leagues are subject to change. The goal of winning championships is not.

How long has there been AL dominance in interleague play? Since it began? The point is that teams in the NL are getting into the playoffs with mediocre records. He's just qualifying it for all the folks who inevitably will pull out the "Torre magic" card.

I posted this in June on interleague play. As I recall, the NL had an advantage in IL play until about 2002. I can't be sure.

My only point is that Hank is so hung up on Torre that he feels the need to try to diminish the accomplishments of the Dodgers to justify his team's failure this year.

I don't have the final stats, but the AL certainly won the lion's share this year. The AL had a bigger gap between their top teams and bottom teams whereas I thought the NL had a larger middle class, if you will. smile

Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: klydon1
The team with the best interleague record this year? The Kansas City Royals at 10-3.

And the team with the worst interleague record? (First place) Philadelphia.

EDIT: I take that back... it's the Giants. Never mind.

[/Emily Latella]

A couple of other Interleague facts:

Through 2007 the AL has an advantage of 1387-1317. The NL won the head-to-head in 1997 (the first year), 1999,2002 and 2003.
Coming into this season, the Yankees have the best interleague winning pct. overall at .589, followed by the A's .582, the Marlins .565, and the Twins and Mariners at .552.
The Pirates (through 2007) have the worst interleague pct. at .377 while the Orioles have been worst in the AL at .409.
Also, after the 2007 season the best batting avg. in interleague belongs to Michael Young (.347), Thome leads in homers with 53 and Ramirez led with 139 RBIs. The overall RBI lead may have changed as Delgado finished 2007 with 138 career RBIs and ARod had 137.
Mussina led in wins with a 20-12 record and Johann Santana had the best ERA at 2.27 through '07. Rivera had a big lead in saves with 53.