Originally Posted By: JSTony
Originally Posted By: Ludovico
I don't know JSTony. Sure ok politicians are more accountable but there are big loopholes, even nowadays. And I honestly think the longer blacks are in american society the closer they're gonna get to it.

You could argue the same thing for the various russian, hispanic, and asian syndacites out there, but me personally? I'm always going to expect some gangster and his outfit to hold osme type of influence somewhere and some time. It's just inevitable, if it doesn't happen in my lifetime it'll happen in my child's. I think it'd be mor elikely to be a black group since out of all the other ethnicites in america, they've come the closest to getting into that pipeline.

You keep throwing out one hypothesis after another that really has not basis. Out of all the organized crime groups in the U.S., La Cosa Nostra is still considered to have the most ability to corrupt political and law enforcement officials, but even their ability to do so is relatively minimal (especially compared to the old days) and their influence is confined within certain strict parameters. The Hispanic groups who control much of the drug trade in this country, the Mexicans and Colombians most of all, don't even have this. How exactly are blacks, who have always been on the lower end of the organized crime ladder, going to develop substantial political connections? Black groups, generally speaking, are involved in mid to lower level drug trafficking. They have no avenues to develop the connections you envision.

Blacks haven't always been on the lower end of the OC ladder, I'd provide examples but the above posters already did.

But with the political ambitions of even some of the gangs out there are starting to dabble in influence. I'm just saying it's only a matter of time. Why are so adament in beleving that the underworld won't EVER change? I think we see that it has/does constantly (usually with each decade, sometimes more time sometimes less time) and for you to say it won't ever happen is a little naive to me. I'm not saying theres historical precedent of black organzied crime groups haveing the political clout the old time mob did, but I am saying that it's gonna happen with every crime group eventually, it's only a matter of time really. Some economic factor here, some political event there, etc. I don't see why it's so hard to beleive that the organized crime scene is gonna change.

I will be asking the questions! Because I don't know them!