Originally Posted By: Shake
The number of indictments just don't tell the whole story or is it an indications of the activity of it being more active than other criminal organizations. What I can say is that the LCN's operates on a much larger scale when it comes to drug distribution. You compare that the other activities that would violate the RICO act, then I don't think their that much different. Historically, the LCN has much more prominence other criminal organizations have been doing the same deeds for just as long. The LCN glamorized crime to a certain extent making it more public than it wanted to be. The Russians and Asians bascially dealth within their own communities and society.

The number of indictments are evidence of how significant the authorities consider an organized crime group's operations to be. The illegal gambling and loansharking operations of the five New York LCN Families are far bigger than any of the Asian groups. In fact, the only group that can rival one of the five Families illegal gambling operations is the Cuban Corporation. Same for extortion. Compare the LCN's exortion and kickback operations in various New York industries (waterfront, garbage, construction, trucking, etc.) to Asian groups shaking down local businesses within their own communities. Drugs, in fact, is the one area where the LCN has actually lost ground. For about half a century, it was the major supplier. Following the end of the Pizza Connection, and the subsequent rise of the South American cartels, the LCN was marginalized in terms of wholesale drug trafficking. Now it operates primarily at the mid-level in the drug trade, and relatively speaking, is more involved in illegal gambling, loansharking, exortion, and labor racketeering (in the case of the New York Families) operations.