Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Sometimes I wonder (lately) if perhaps McCain really doesn't want to win. While true, it' still neck and neck, some of his gaffes have been doozies. Maybe he just figures, I don't need this?

I read on Huffingto Post (FWIW) that McCain is asking to cancel/postpone the VP debate as well.

But, I agree wih SC, McCain's coming off as looking a little scared. Look, this debate on "foreign policy" is suppose to be in McCain's realm of knowledge, his ballpark, so why weasle out of that one? confused Although I did hear commentators say, with this financial crisis looming that even a foreign policy debate can be easily connected to economy, especially for a skilled politician.


He is trying to win. McCain only benefits by having as few debates as possible and, most especially, allowing Palin to speak as little as possible. Not debating HURTS Obama. McCain on the spot will have to explain why his campaign chief was being a lobbyist for Freddy Mac up until last month, why now he wants to vote on a bill--something he hasn't done in over a year despite being paid to do so, explain why he approved of near total deregulation for several decades, etc.... An unquestioned McCain can win.

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"