You never know. The Gangster Dicisples were caught more than once trying to get certain cities to pass gang-friendly legislature (albeit its a recent devolpment) The Latin Kings have been known to dabble in those things as well. And Blackstone was well known for trying to become a legitamite organization.

Mostly they failed, but it's all realtivly recent. It's scary, someday they're gonna find a nice corrupt politician and then some of them might be on the old mafia famalies political clout level. But we'll have to see how that devolps, it is known that they try to get that influence however.

Idk if RICO is what's done it alone as far as crippling the mob. If you really look at it it's law enforcment in general. We have the right idea now, back in the 1900's and all the way to the 1950's we always had the wrong plan to fight them "Let them kill themselves" "They're not a threat! Dillenger is!" all that crap. And these policies allowed the mafia to flourish and prosper. I think organized crime realy only prospers when the government lets it (either blatantly like with the yakuza in japan or mistakenly like the mafia here in the U.S.).

So yes RICO helps ALOT, but I think it's law enforcment all around thats finally given us an edge.

I will be asking the questions! Because I don't know them!