Oh no I know about the last point. The only reason I ever made the point of blacks in the mob was because I read something in passing that said that.

See the thing about Black organized crime is that it all kept falling apart. Nickey Barnes, Frank Lucas, The Jheri Curl Gang, Get down or lay down, etc. All these guys were active somewhere around the 60's-mid 80's.

But they mostly relied on drugs, some notable exceptions included the "black mafia" and The Blackstone Nation (under jeff fort anyway) who also did numbers running and extortion (Blackstone was espieclly known for drug running).

But everytime someone got canned or slighted another member, EVERYTHING fell apart at once.

For instance Blackstone was once an organization on par with the chicago outfit (no small accomplishment for what once was a petty street gang) but the MINUTE Fort got canned on terrorism charges (or collaborating with them w/e) the entire place fell apart.

It would seem that Black Organized crime is content to stick to the realm of dealing whatever drug makes the most money (70's= Heroine, 80's-Now= Crack) and not really haveing any large organization.

But if you really look at it they don't need to have things set in stone like their italian/irish counterparts. Their longevity lies in the fact that as long as they keep everything very fractered the police won't ever be able to actually ever get rid of them. You get rid of a major crack dealer in Chicago, another one (probably from the same bloody gang) takes his place next week. It's the leader that takes the rap, not the gang as a whole. Ok sure, the entire gang might feel the heat but who's leading is all realative. A leader doesn't even need to be canned or killed to stop being leader, it really depends on who has access to cars, guns, drugs, and of course the money. And the gang as a whole keeps running.

Which I guess might work better in some ways, after all, the crips are still around, the westies aren't.

I will be asking the questions! Because I don't know them!