Originally Posted By: JSTony
Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
Mob history, at least in this country has proven that being a made guy is actually meaningless. As a matter of fact becoming a made guy in the modern day mob probably had more disadvantages than advantages.

Some very infamous and prominant mobsters proved that they were much more valuable to the mob than most of the made guys ever were. Mobsters like Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegal and Arnold Rothstein just to name a few.

Becoming a made man, which was originally considered sacred by the ole mustache petes from the old country, lost it's validity and so called honor because the mobsters in this country became more and more "americanized" as the years went by.

Being "made" has certainly lost much of it's luster over the last few decades. But for many years, it was far from meaningless. There has always been a very real distinction between a guy who is made and one who is not. Rothstein, Lansky, and Siegal were in the early days when the Jewish groups were still a force. And even Lansky, who lasted the longest, was subservient to the LCN hierarchy. As years went by, these high level non-Italians became more and more rare.

You know, I think you have a much too romanticized view of things.

I honestly think that a Black could've been in the inner circle of the Outfit, not every Mafia family is run the same. I remember reading about an outfit in LA that was makeing a guy recently yeah? And they couldn't find anyone to say the oath and all that right? So they just made their own ritual up. I'll look for it again but nonethless I mean, is it so uncommon? I mean if we are to beleive that the wiseguys are the only ones with any ambition in the underworld why wouldn't they take a page out of some of the gangs out there and start allowing any ethnicity in? I mean the Latin Kings have become a nationwide organization and they were once (or maybe still are in some cases) common street punks.

I mean honestly why does it seem so farfetched? I don't think being made ever meant anything to be honest like Henry hill said "Makeing Money was the only requirment that mattered" I really don't beleive all this crap people tell me about a bunch of extortionists understanding the concepts of "respect" and "honor" considering what they do on a daily basis. Sure, there is MUCH prestige attached to the title I suppose but in the long run I say everybody remembers those notable associates we listed and the big bad dons.

I honestly can't name any "Made Guys" I ever cared about.

I will be asking the questions! Because I don't know them!