Originally Posted By: Ludovico
Idk I've heard reports of Blacks becomeing actual Members.

Then again I haven't read the books on it so I could be wrong.

Then again in order to HAVE upward mobility in the first place, don't you have to be a made member??

Blacks becoming made members of the Outfit? That is ludicrous. In every LCN Family across the country, you have always had to be Italian to become a fully inducted member. As said, in New York for a time you only had to be Italian on your father's side, but that was changed back eventually. There have been a few cases, like Chucky Porter in Pittsburgh or John Veasey in Philadelphia, that got made even though they were only Italian on their mother's side. But those are the rare exceptions to the rule. There have been others as well, like Frank Salemme in Boston, who was also not full Italian. But there has never been a non-Italian who was made into La Cosa Nostra.

The examples in the Outfit are mostly in the past. But back in the day you had guys like Jake Guzik, Murray Humphreys, Gus Alex, and others who were high level associates with a lot of influence. However they were never in the inner circle of made members who were in the administration, area bosses, etc.