Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
I don't like him. I agree that he's talented. I agree that he's a great hitter. However, he's a sloppy, arrogant bastard who would rather make it personal, and decide at the last minute whether he's going to play that day or not. That's not a good team player. And all the public pissing and moaning? Aw, poor Manny!! That mean team in Boston wanted to pay you millions and millions and put up with your whiny crap for years! Let's all have a pity party for YOU.

Shut up and play ball.

I'm pretty sure he has shut up and play ball - take a look at the change from pre- and post-Manny LA. It's pretty obvious. For not being a team player, he's energized his teammates and carried his team to the playoffs.

I tell you what - let's compare this Manny '08 vs. A-Rod '07. Both guys are going to carry their team to the playoffs. But you tell me who you'd rather have on your team: A-Rod, the hard-working, likable guy who despite his flaws off the field is considered to be a character guy, or Manny, the goof-off and lazy player who, despite on-field antics, has uplifted his team and, more importantly, is clutch?

I think I'll take the guy with the dreads, and I'll go win me some championships.