
And whatever you're gonna tell me I don't buy that the mob killed JFK. JFK's dad could've been a freakin' DON and I wouldn't beleive it.

The mob's not gonna kill a huge political figure on the level of the president, I mean if they're scared of whacking small time cops for the heat it'd generate why would they even touch the president? Why would they recruit Oswald (assuming he shot JFK) when they have many another killer who's probably more experienced at that kinda've thing.

I could go on, too many holes in the story. I think the entire "MAFIA KILLED JFK OMFG!!!" conspiracy comes from people who are too prone to believe that LCN is somehow a great big Criminal/Political/Economic Machine that has world-wide influence to rival that of everyones legitimate governments. Which I think is crap, The Mob has/had ALOT of influence you'll get no argument from me ESPICLLY in the 1960's but I don't think they EVER got to the point where they could've feasibly killed the president.

Besides, who would even be bloody willing? I mean killing a guy who owes you money (although not the wisest decision if you haven't collected from him first) is one thing, but the president of the United States? I realize criminals have low morals as a whole but I thinkt hatd be one offer that'd strike a chord.

I will be asking the questions! Because I don't know them!