Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Amazing how they came up with $85 billion virtually overnight, but it took how long to get the housing assistance passed?? And how long will it take the first applicant to wade through the red tape and get the actual check? Not quickly enough to stop foreclosures, that's for sure.

Imagine if Bush's privatization of Social Security had passed.

McCain wants Social Security privatization along the lines of what was proposed by President Bush. Remember that nightmare? All that sky is falling about Social Security when it is fundamentally OK right now & will be able to pay all scheduled benefits through the year 2049 with no changes whatsoever.[ SOURCE ]


Last edited by Saladbar; 09/17/08 05:43 PM. Reason: added youtube video

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"