Originally Posted By: Longneck
Originally Posted By: MaryCas

I thought I would allow the reader to insert their own adjective or expletive. For me, F'd is Flubbed, F'n is Fondlin', c'skers is cornhuskers. You might say I'm not being totally truthful here, but then the topic has been generated by deceit and lies, so I thought I would keep it in that vein....or is that vain?

I knew it! You're a fucking oil baron!

Ah, my cover is blown. Yes, I'm an oil....person. Love, olive oil. Extra Virgin Olive Oil. This summer I was working from home a lot, so as a spouse who believes in sharing domestic responsibility, I prepared many dinners. One of my concoctions was, I'll call, Veggie ala oil olive. Ingredients: one Italian egg plant, one small squash or zucchini, sliced mushrooms, sliced yellow onion, sliced red vidalia onion, quartered yukon gold small potatoes, sliced red pepper. The amount of each is up to the individual. Put the whole pile into an aluminum pan. Soak generously with EXTRA Virgin Olive Oil, some sea salt, garlic salt, italian seasonings of choice. Put the pan on the grill and let the oil boil. Once boiling add a can of diced tomatoes. Let it boil/simmer until the veggie shrink a bit. Serve with grilled chicken, pork, or beef of choice. The beauty is that you can substitute the veggie's with your choice or what is in season. The key ingredient OLIVE OIL.... yes, I'm a fucking oil baron.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12