This is scary, considering New York is one of the most heavily Democratic states in the nation.

Siena Poll: 5 Points Separate Obama And McCain In NY

By Elizabeth Benjamin, NEW YORK DAILY NEWS

September 15, 2008

The latest poll from the Siena Research Institute finds Barack Obama leading John McCain 46-41 among likely New York voters with just 50 days remaining in the presidential campaign.

Obama's lead in the Democrat-dominated state has dropped steadily - from eight points in August, 13 points in July and 18 points in June when he led 51-33.

Voters said they thought Obama would do a better job on the economy, the Iraq War, health care and education, while McCain leads when it comes to protecting the US from terrorism and enhacing America's strength in the world.

Overall, McCain was perceived as more qualified than Obama (79-67), while Joe Biden easily trumps Sarah Palin in this department (70-47).

In state politics, Gov. David Paterson's favorable and job approval ratings remain high (59-13 and 51-37, respectively) and the margin between the governor and Mayor Bloomberg in a hypothetical head-to-head match-up in 2010 has shrunk from eight points in the mayor's favor last month to five points.

In a match-up against Rudy Giuliani, Paterson wins, 50-40 - the same as in an August Siena poll.

Asked if they would prefer re-electing Paterson or someone else, 35 percent of voters sided with the governor, while 25 percent said they'd like a change, with no specific alternative in mind, and 39 percent didn't know. This, too, is practically unchanged from last month.

On whether the state Senate should remain in GOP hands or flip to the Democrats, voters are split 44-44 with 12 percent undecided.

That's good news for the Republicans, as the response last month favored the Democrats, 47-42 with 11 percent undecided

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.