Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Yes, children need textbooks, but AGAIN you avoided the ISSUE, which was that McCAIN LIED and DISTORTED the FACTS. The legislation was NOT for sex education, as his ad stated. If he felt that the money would be better spent on textbooks, then that's what the ad should have said instead of being DELIBERATELY MISLEADING (DoubleJ, I used all caps for you since you found them so helpful).

You don't have to use caps, I'm not illiterate like the children Obama's education record has failed in the past.

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
As for tempest in a teapot that the "lipstick" remark has become, FS, Senator Obama was not in the least bit open-ended.

No, I agree. It's pretty obvious what he implied.

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
And regarding SC's comments, he is doing his job as a moderator and trying to keep the discussion in line and on topic. I, for one, am grateful.

I agree. Maybe he can take me to the Bronx Zoo someday, I'd like to go.