Originally Posted By: dontomasso
The interview consisted of Palin rattling off memorized talking points, not knowing what the Bush Doctrine is, and trying to bluff her way through questions about it, saying Israel should be allowed to do "whatever it wants," and arguing the cae for the U.S. to go to war with Russia.
Earlier in the day she said Saddam Hussein took part in the planning of the Iraq war.

That's exactly what I thought. When asked if she agreed with the Bush Doctrine and she paused and said, "In what respect, Charlie?", I actually felt uncomfortable for her as she had no idea what it was. Her reply was a vague, rambling, general hodgepodge of platitudes and phrases, designed to mask her ignorance. I expected her to be more prepared and more direct.

I'm sure there is some internal fingerpointing within the McCain camp as to whose job it was to instruct her on this point.

I heard someone today defending her and saying that Gibson's question was an unfair "gotcha" question, like Bush 8 years ago being ambushed with questions about the names of world leaders. But the Bush Doctrine has been a cornerstone of our foreign policy since before the war, and knowledge of this is a more important foreign policy credential than being able to see a remote part of Russia from a remote island off the coast of Alaska.