I don't like this character.I like Andy Garcia,but that's another story blush And I'm back with Santino's boy,why is Michael being all the time with Vincenzo,and teaching him(well,he is 'bastardo',isn't he?),when his brother has two or three more children?!I remember Frank C. being only in one scene,when Don is in the bed,and Sonny is holding a little boy,who is reading a letter to his grandpa.Never mind.
I also think the movie and the book are two different things.Both are unique.

You were right about one thing. I have been watching. Couldn't help myself. Watching, waiting, holding my breath. But I'm no puppeteer Kevin, I don't make things happen. Doesn't work like that. Free will, it's like butterfly wings, one touch and it never gets off the ground. I only set the stage. You pull your own strings.