I smoked a pipe until 1990. I've told this story before, but I'd like to tell it again:
I smoked three bowls a day, and often didn't finish the three, so I never felt like an addict. Then I decided to cut down to 1.5 bowls per day. That's when I realized just how badly addicted I was: I ran out of meetings to light up in the hallway for one drag, sucked on the unlit pipe, constant craving, etc.

One day I ducked out of a conference room for my one drag. I didn't realize that I'd lit up right under a hallway smoke detector. Fire alarms sounded in all three big buildings in my employer's complex. About 4,000 employees were forced outside, with me hopping around with a hot pipe in my pocket and trying to look innocent. When we were allowed back in (after 25 minutes), maintenance people were outside my conference room fiddling with the detector. "Someone musta lit a cigarette under this," one of them said. I tried to keep looking straight ahead. blush That's when I decided to quit.

Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu,
E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu...
E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu
Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.