Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: Double-J
Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
The quote is taken out of context. He was NOT referring to Governor Palin when he said it. Why should he apologize for something he didn't say??

And if the Republicans find the phrase so "offensive and disgraceful", then why did Senator McCain use it to describe a healthcare plan put forth by a certain female Democrat???

So you don't find it coincidental that the comment comes so shortly - and so closely worded - to her recent comment? There is nothing there, and we're all just making a huge deal out of nothing? Really? Seriously?


And I think you mean to comment that it's not a coincidence. If someone does find it to be coincidental, then that means it's not intentional. But, you think it was intentional. Well, if it is, so what? Are you concerned that Palin's feelings are hurt? Madonne! A Vice-presidential candidate whose feelings get hurt? Sure, she's just the one to take the reins of government!

More like I find it ironic that if the Republicans implied Obama was an animal, we'd have a race war on our hands.