Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
The quote is taken out of context. He was NOT referring to Governor Palin when he said it. Why should he apologize for something he didn't say??

And if the Republicans find the phrase so "offensive and disgraceful", then why did Senator McCain use it to describe a healthcare plan put forth by a certain female Democrat???

I agree. In a close election race would someone, who is as intelligent as Obamaand defied odds to get where he is, call a member of the opposing ticket a pig? The phrase "lipstick on a pig" was commomn before Gov. Palin arrived.

I would expect the Republicans to try to make an issue out of this as Palin is riding a wave of popularity. I would also expect the Democrats to try to gain support if it were reversed, but the fact that Palin used the term "lipstick" in her speech and it got a laugh does not give her a monopoly on the word.

Also, the McCain camp is forbidding any journalists from getting any "on the record" statements from Palin while travelling. It's time she stands on her own and says something more than "hockey mom", "PTA" and "sold it on ebay." She has generated a lot of interest, and is more appealing than McCain on the trail. I am interested in hearing something substantive from her.