Originally Posted By: Longneck
I loathe what "democracy" has become. Here's what I wrote a few years ago:

Originally Posted By: Longneck a few years ago
Democracy was a good experiment, too bad it’s over. Only the richest can be president and they are the most corrupt of all.

I would disagree. More than a few of our presidents and quite a few of our reps and senators have emerged from modest, backgrounds. In fact, it is more common today than at any time in our history that a person, coming from the lower or middle classes, can achieve success in national politics. In the past 50 years or so, Truman, Nixon, Reagan and Clinton have all emerged from humble beginnings to become president, and Obama hopes to join them.

In fact, I believe that coming from a life of privilege could be a detriment to being president. W. Bush grew up never had to worry about paying a bill in his life. It was amazing when the price of gas hit $4 a gallon, he had no idea it was that high. Nor could he fully appreciate the effect that this has on middle America.